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Premier Sandy Silver

Specifics sparse on feds’ carbon mechanism

The Yukon government says it’s pleased that Ottawa has granted an extension to the territory for its federally-imposed carbon pricing mechanism to July 2019.

By Palak Mangat on October 24, 2018

The Yukon government says it’s pleased that Ottawa has granted an extension to the territory for its federally-imposed carbon pricing mechanism to July 2019.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled some details of the plan Tuesday in Ontario. He said he is happy that some jurisdictions (like the Yukon) have agreed to the federal pollution pricing system or created their own.

In a statement Tuesday, Premier Sandy Silver clarified that some details announced by the prime minister do not in fact apply to the Yukon, as it “has agreed to work with the federal government on developing a territorial carbon rebate mechanism.”

Instead, the four affected provinces that have decided not to implement their own carbon pricing are those most affected by the announcement.

Details of that rebate plan still seem to be under wraps, at least for now. The Star was told the premier was unavailable for an interview before press time this afternoon.

“We negotiated with the federal government to get the best deal we possibly could for Yukon,” Silver’s statement said of the extension granted.

“In order to allow for proper time for all details to be determined, we worked ... to extend the start date of carbon pricing in Yukon to July.”

He went on to note that it is in part “in recognition of the unique circumstances of Yukon.”

The territory did release a number of figures last April, through an analysis of potential impacts of the tax and a summary of the federal government’s analysis as a background.

Both documents can be found on the Environment department’s webpage (here and here, respectively).

According to those documents, the average cost to a household in the Yukon would be about $260 – but it would steadily increase each year until 2022.

That’s because the tax would rise from $10 a tonne per emission of fossil fuel this year to about $50 a tonne by that time period, increasing by $10 a tone each year.

However, it’s important to note that the timelines for the tax have shifted, the analysis noted, with prices being based off the $10 a tonne price that would have applied for 2018.

But now that it’s set to take effect in 2019, that will bump up to $20. So it is “reasonable to assume that the impact at $10/tonne in 2019 will be approximately double of those figures shown in the study,” it noted.

Silver also explained this past summer that the placer mining industry will be hit less hard through rebates, and the aviation industry will be subject to an exemption.

Meanwhile, Silver has assured at least since this year that the system will not be a revenue generator for the Yukon, with the feds committing to returning all funds to the respective jurisdictions.

As it’s up to those areas to determine what to do with the funds, Silver has committed to returning them to Yukoners and Yukon businesses through a rebate.

There was some parallel between this and the federal announcement. Trudeau said Ottawa expects to return about 90 per cent of the revenues back to households through incentive payments – direct cheques. The other 10 per cent will go to areas like schools, hospitals and businesses.

That’s in efforts to encourage better behaviour in the provinces that do not comply (Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick).

Silver has been pressed about the tax for some time, when it was thought to be that the $20 per tonne tax would begin in January 2019.

After Tuesday’s announcement, the territory will instead have a bit longer to prepare thanks to Ottawa allowing the Yukon and Nunavut until July 2019 for the backstop to come into effect. A release noted that date also applies to the Northwest Territories.

See commentary and related coverage.

Comments (7)

Up 0 Down 0

north_of_60 on Oct 29, 2018 at 7:11 pm

On Canada Day 2019 the Lieberals will impose their TrudieTax on Canadians . The price of everything will increase by at least 5%. It's like doubling the GST and adding the 5% GST to food.
In October 2019 (or earlier) Canadians will go the the polls and say NO.

Up 1 Down 6

Womp womp on Oct 29, 2018 at 4:08 pm

@ Juniper Jackson
Have you ever seen anything in a positive light? Anything?

Up 11 Down 1

Jim Cleaver on Oct 29, 2018 at 10:42 am

I love how they are trying to sell this “tax”. Apparently it will only cost a family of 4 about $300 and their rebate cheque will be bigger. How is that exactly a deterrent to reduce fossil fuel use? Somehow they can give out more in rebates than they take in, along with giving exemptions on the bigger polluters. But let’s be realistic. The carbon tax will be on every item you purchase. Not just fuel for transportation and heat. Almost every item we buy in the Yukon will have it. Even if you buy a new furnace or insulation for your home it will have carbon tax on it. And it will all be compounded. From the manufacturer down south, who has to pay it to bring in raw materials, heat and lights for their facility, shipping to the retailer (fuel costs, heat and lights in their warehouses). Then the retailer has heat and lights in their store. Also keep in mind that all these business add this to cost of sales which has a profit added to it. So when they say cost will be around $300 per family annually it’s a bit of a joke. If we have to have a carbon tax, just tax it. Don’t BS us with the smoke and mirrors. If you want to help lower incomes, reduce their basic tax remittance.

Up 13 Down 2

Juniper Jackson on Oct 26, 2018 at 4:55 pm

Justin Trudeau is not now, and will never be a Prime Minister. It takes more than a title to make a leader, or a man oops..people kind. He will never speak for me. Nor will the Silver government. They had a chance, but they drove us so far into debt, and picked the wrong behinds to smooch; no more chances from me. There is no doubt there is climate change.. and a LOT of money in it too.. Al Gore made a billion dollars telling us that the world would end in 2015.. now they are saying, pay now..give us all your money or the world will end in 12 years.. well, not quite end..no..it will end.. Mario Molina, Veerabhadran Ramanathan and Durwood Zaelke are going to be billionaires too!!! I might buy into some of the doom and gloom if Trudeau parked the taxpayers plane for 10 minutes.. or didn't own 14 vehicles.. or if the UN turned off the lights at night, or didn't have 3,000 limousines in the barn.. Why aren't all these climate terrorists riding a pony to Parliament? They aren't even telling me to turn off my lights.. all any of them are saying is 'give me your money'. All that being said.. I'm pretty happy I can get through another winter without more tax.. and Trudeau and his 5 guilty charges will be gone in Oct.. few days less than a year. I can hang on that long.

Up 18 Down 2

Groucho d'North on Oct 25, 2018 at 1:06 pm

Of course Premier Silver is short on answers right now, Justin hasn't told him what to say. Roll over Sandy, perhaps he'll reward you with a cookie.

Up 15 Down 3

fraud altert on Oct 25, 2018 at 9:16 am

Absolute fraud and lies by genocidal communist bankers who aim to enslave everyone with debt and endless taxes.
Everyone must have forgotten what used to be common sensible knowledge, carbon dioxide is plant food and a sign of healthy ecosystem. It is also a trailing indicator not a leading indicator of cyclical changes. grand solar minimum is shifting gulf-streams due to less intense solar radiation and a cooler sun which is now more white than yellow as it was 25+ years ago, hence the countless crop failures around the world due to early frost and snow. Yukon and Alaska are among the few locations where the shifts will be more moderate and result in slightly warmer temperatures in relative terms as during the Maunder Minimum.



Up 17 Down 2

Climater on Oct 24, 2018 at 7:47 pm

How can SS know anything cause little spud doesn’t know anything. It’s all malarky to try and get votes under the guise of making people think they will get rebates. Omg wake up and vote these sillies out!

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