Whitehorse Daily Star

Stolen snowmaking pump has been found

The water pump used by Cross Country Yukon to make snow has been found.

By John Tonin on October 25, 2018

The water pump used by Cross Country Yukon to make snow has been found. The pump was found covered by a tarp and buried under brush in the woods. The pump’s function has been tested and it is salvageable.

In a press release by CCY it said “we are extremely fortunate, as it seems our ‘friends’ were hiding the pump in order to come back for it.”

According to CCY Sport Coordinator and spokesperson Alain Masson, the pump was found close to the place it was taken.

“It was found by one of our volunteer coaches,” said Masson. “They saw some colour in the woods and went to investigate it. The pump was found maybe 300 metres away from the place it was kept. It was really well hidden. ”

With the pump found the police have closed the file, and will not investigate the theft further.

CCY tested the pump yesterday and according to Masson its in working order. The club plans to test the entire system today, as they are preparing to make snow at the first opportunity.

In order to assure this does not happen again the club plans to increase their security measures for all of their equipment.

“We are for sure going to increase security,’ said Masson. “We are going to use more secure locks, start using chains as well as installing some security cameras.”

The go fund me page the club opened in the aftermath of the theft has been closed. The club raised $1800, but with the pump being found, they plan on reimbursing the money to those who donated, if they so wish. Any money that is not returned will be put to covering costs associated with snowmaking.

In the press release, the CCY’s board of directors and staff wish to “express their gratitude to the community for helping spread the word of the theft and the subsequent fundraising effort.

We are very pleased to have our equipment back. We want supporters to know how appreciative we are of their fundraising contributions during this frustrating and challenging experience.”

Comments (2)

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My Opinion on Oct 28, 2018 at 12:09 am

So why has the file been closed? Hey "M" Division. Find the guys that did it and prosecute them. All the RCMP are good for anymore is getting a File number so you can contact your insurance. Look at the thefts lately, it's crazy.

Up 4 Down 1

If it's found on Oct 26, 2018 at 9:03 am

Glad your pump was found. Money raised for pump needs to be returned, separate donations for snowmaking, or very murky financially.

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