Quarterly Finances: Ontario Finances 2018-2019

In the Ontario Quarterly Finances, the Ministry of Finance releases updated information about Ontario's fiscal outlook for the current fiscal year, including updated information about the major components of the revenues and expenses as set out in the fiscal plan.

The First Quarter Ontario Finances is released on or before August 15 and the Third Quarter Ontario Finances is released on or before February 15.

An update of the Province's fiscal outlook as of the second quarter of the fiscal year is included in the Fall Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review, which is released on or before November 15.

There is no Ontario Quarterly Finances for the fourth quarter of the fiscal year, as the consolidated financial statements are presented in the Public Accounts. However, the Budget does provide an interim fiscal outlook, which is based on the best information available at the time of the Budget.

Ontario Finances 2018-2019