: Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF)


2018 OMPF


The Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) is the Province’s main general assistance grant to municipalities. In 2018, the Province is providing a total of $510 million in funding to 389 municipalities through the program.

The program comprises four core grant components as well as Transitional Assistance** that reflect the following objectives:

  • support areas with limited property assessment;
  • recognize the challenges of northern and rural municipalities, while targeting funding to those with more challenging fiscal circumstances; and
  • assist municipalities as they transition to the redesigned program.

**Transitional assistance refers to a guaranteed level of support to municipalities based on previous year’s Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund allocation.

2018 Grant Allocations ($ Millions)
Assessment Equalization 149
Northern Communities 89
Rural Communities 150
Northern and Rural Fiscal Circumstances 89
Transitional Assistance 33
Total OMPF 510
Note: The above numbers have been rounded.

Transfer of Municipal Costs to the Province

In 2008, the Province signed the Provincial-Municipal Fiscal Service Delivery Review Agreement with municipalities, which resulted in the Province assuming costs for services that had previously been supported by the municipal property tax base. These costs were then transferred to the Province between 2008 and 2018, and included:

  • 100 per cent of costs for Ontario Drug Benefits (ODB), Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), and Ontario Works (OW) benefits; and
  • Up to $125 million annually in court security and prisoner transportation costs.

In 2018, municipalities are benefiting from $2.1 billion in reduced costs as a result of this transfer of these costs to the Province.

2018 Upload Benefit to Municipalities as result of the Costs Transferred to the Province
Program 2018
Ontario Drug Benefits (ODB) $273 million
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Administration $85 million
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Benefits $927 million
Ontario Works (OW) Benefits $485 million
Court Security and Prisoner Transportation $125 million
Ontario Works (OW) Administration additional support $216 million
Total Upload Benefit $2.1 billion

Note: Based on updated information and projections from the Ministry of Community and Social Services.

Between 2005 and 2007, the Province increased its share of public health costs to 75 per cent from 50 per cent of eligible costs.

In 2006, the Province increased funding for land ambulance to ensure 50/50 cost sharing.

Additional Information

For additional information or for other general inquiries about the program, email your query and contact information to: info.ompf@ontario.ca