Industry Links

Screenwriter Blogs

Brioux TV (TV Feeds My Family)
Complications Ensue
Legion of Decency
Running with My Eyes Closed
Travel Day


TV Writing
Toronto Film Reference Library, Canadian Film Encyclopedia

Industry Unions & Guilds

Australian Writers' Guild
Directors Guild of Canada
International Affiliation of Writers' Guilds
New Zealand Writers' Guild
Periodical Writers Association of Canada
Playwrights Guild of Canada
SARTEC - Société des auteurs de radio, télévision et cinéma
Union of BC Performers
Writers Guild of America, East
Writers Guild of America, West
Writers Guild of Great Britain
Writers Guild of Ireland
Writers Union of Canada

Industry Organizatons

Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television
The Actors Fund of Canada
Actra Fraternal Benefit Society
Alberta Media Production Industries Association
Canadian Media Production Association
Woman in Communications and Technologies
Documentary Organization of Canada
International Standard Audiovisual Number
On Screen Manitoba
PEN Canada
Saskatchewan Media Production Association
Visual Researchers' Society of Canada
Women in Film & Television - Atlantic
Women in Film & Television –Toronto
Women in Film & Television - Vancouver
Woman in Film & Television International

Government Film and Television Agencies

Canada Media Fund
Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission

Department of Canadian Heritage
National Film Board of Canada
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada
Canadian Council for the Arts
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Creative BC (British Columbia's Creative Industry Catalyst)
Manitoba Film and Music
New Brunswick Multimedia Initiative
Newfoundland and Labrador Film Development Corporation
Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia
Ontario Arts Council
Ontario Media Development Corporation
Innovation PEI
SODEC (Quebec)
Yukon Film and Sound Commission


Atlantic Filmmakers Cooperative
Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers
Charles Street Video
Cinevic/Society of Independent Filmmakers
FAVA – Film and Video Arts Society of Alberta
Independent Filmmakers Co-operative of Ottawa
LIFT - Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto
Main Film
New Brunswick Filmmakers' Co-operative
NIFCO -Newfoundland Independent Filmmakers Co-operative
SAWVideo Media Arts Centre
Trinity Square Video


About Film Schools
Canadian Film Centre
Cultural Human Resources Council
National Screen Institute
New York Film Academy
Praxis Centre for Screenwriters

Post Secondary Institutions

Algonquin College Scriptwriting Program
Confederation College
Glendon College at York University Writing Program
Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Langara College Film Arts Program
Red Deer College
Ryerson University
Seneca College
Simon Fraser University, School for the Contemporary Arts
Sheridan College, School of Animation, Arts & Design
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
University of British Columbia, Dept. of Theatre, Film & Creative Writing
Vancouver Film School
York University, Department of Film & Video

Media Outlets
Canadian Screenwriter (WGC publication)
Creative Screenwriting
Globe and Mail
Hollywood North
Hollywood Reporter
National Post
Reel West
Toronto Star
TV Junkies
Written By

Miscellaneous Screenwriting & Film Sites

Create Your Screenplay
Drew's Script-o-rama
Great Canadian Guide to Movies & TV
InkTip - Services for Entertainment Professionals
Internet Movie Database
Screenwriters Utopia
The Blacklist: Where Filmmakers and Material Meet
The Writer at Work – Comic Strip
UGO Screenwriter's Voice


Summer 2014
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Photo by Christina Gapic

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AUGUST 5, 2014
  • Hollywood meets Bollywood: Blockbuster formula for screenplay writing

AUGUST 5, 2014

Hollywood meets Bollywood: Blockbuster formula for screenplay writing

Romina Dermardirosian will hold intensive workshops on Film,Theater and Television writing at Glendon Campus of York University on Saturday August 23rd, and Sunday August 24th from 10AM to 4PM. Author Vinita Kinra will talk about Hollywood meets Bollywood: Blockbuster formula for screenplay writing (Aug. 23) and teleplay writing (Aug. 24).  For registration please contact Glendon office: Tel: 416-487-6780 Fax: 416-487-6781

AUGUST 21, 2014
  • Montreal World Film Festival

AUGUST 21, 2014

Montreal World Film Festival

Montreal World Film Festival

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