Contact Us
Do you require additional information? Would you like to send us suggestions or comments? Please do not hesitate to contact us!

Fondation de la faune du Québec
1175, avenue Lavigerie, bureau 420
Sainte-Foy (Québec)
G1V 4P1
Telephone: (418) 644-7926
Toll free: 1 877 639-0742
Fax: (418) 643-7655

Who to contact?

For information on:
  • General topics
  • Donations: methods, telephone donations, updating your coordinates
  • Fund-raising activities (registration or donations)
  • Products sold for the benefit of the Fondation de la faune (orders and information)

Contact Annie Forest, Administrative Assistant
(418) 644-7926 ext 133 or toll free at 1 877 639-0742

For information on:
  • Assistance programs: obtaining forms or for technical assistance,

Contact Johanne Bélanger, Wildlife initiatives Assistant
(418) 644-7926 ext.126 or toll free at 1 877 639-0742

  •  the “Pêche en herbe” program,

Contact Nathalie Zicat, Communication Assitant

(418) 644-7926 ext. 119 or toll free at 1 877 639-0742

For information on:
  • Donations in memory of a loved one
  • Planned donations (testamentary gifts, donations of works of art, etc.)

Contact Mylène Bergeron, Communication and fund-raising Director
(418) 644-7926 ext.135 or toll free at 1 877 639-0742

For information on:
  • Business partnerships for companies

Contact Mylène Bergeron, Communication and fund-raising Director
(418) 644-7926 ext. 135 or toll free at 1 877 639-0742
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