How to Help Wildlife

Fund raising campaign

The Fondation de la faune helps organizations carry out habitat conservation projects in Quebec. These interventions employ thousands of people and their efforts benefit wildlife and everyone who visits their habitat. As an ornithologist, avid hiker, hunter, sports fisher or simply a nature enthusiast, take concrete action. This year, give to the Fondation to maintain a living forest for all!


As a gesture of appreciation, the 2018 calendar is offered free of charge for all donations of $25 or more.

At the heart of conservation

 When you donate to the Fondation de la faune du Québec, you are helping shape conservation by supporting an entire network of organizations hard at work to obtain concrete results for wildlife and wildlife habitat.

You are a key player in the wildlife movement!

When you decide to donate money for wildlife projects, you are a nature conservationist at heart. Your initiative is remarkable and encourages others to emulate you. The strength of our movement resides in the commitment and trust of thousands of donors like you. 


You are a partner to obtain additional resources!

To fulfill its mission, the Fondation de la faune du Québec receives royalties from the sale of permits sold to hunters, sports fishers and trappers. The Fondation also relies on the support of other organizations and private enterprise. The support of thousands of donors like you is crucial to maintaining our commitments.   


Your helping hand allows promoters to go a long way!

The approval of a project by the Fondation de la faune du Québec is often the decisive phase in the completion of a project. The credibility of the projects selected by the Fondation facilitates the work of sponsor organizations that must complete their financing package with other funders.

This year, thanks to the multiplier effect, the Fondation de la faune du Québec believes that its partners will complete projects beneficial to wildlife habitat assessed at more than $15 million.

Major wildlife projects under development

Following are several examples of projects to preserve natural environments and protect threatened wildlife species that will be carried out thanks to donors like you:

Preservation of natural environments

Photo: Lise De Serres
Mont Chagnon - ruisseau de la Serpentine (stream)

The Corridor appalachien group will  purchase two pieces of property totalling 24.85 hectares in a sector that links protected mountain areas of Mont Sutton and the Parc national du Mont-Orford (national park).

The preservation of this territory is essential for the protection of the habitat of fragile species such as the wood turtle, pickerel frog and northern dusky salamander, but also moose, the fisher and many others.

Photo : Lyne Saint-Arnaud

Forêts anciennes
du Centre-du-Québec

The Agence forestière des Bois-Francs (forestry agency) continues to work at heightening awareness among private land owners in Centre-du-Québec regarding the ecological value of several woodlots, wetlands, and old cedar groves in particular.

Voluntary conservation agreements will ensure the preservation of these environments under growing pressure from residential and industrial development.

Protection of threatened species

Photo : Attention FragÎles
The piping plover and
the horned grebe

At the Îles-de-la-Madeleine (Magdalen islands), Attention FragÎles works to protect wetlands scattered among the sand dunes where the piping plover and the horned grebe nest.

The population of the piping plover that nests solely on the islands consists of 50 pairs of birds. Increased recreational activity on the beaches is affecting the species.

Photo : Frédérick Lelièvre MRNF
Blanding's turtle
The Fédération québécoise des chasseurs et pêcheurs de l’Outaouais (hunters and sports fishers’ federation) continues to protect and improve some 75 hectares of wetlands used by Blanding’s turtle, a threatened species.

Means to control the water levels of beaver dams will be developed to protect the turtle’s habitat and the neighbouring road network.

Join the wildlife movement with a monthly donation
A monthly donation is a simple and effective way of helping the Fondation de la faune. You will be supporting our mission each day and every month.

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