How to Help Wildlife

Take Action

Make a personal gesture to help wildlife

Do you want to do something to help wildlife directly?
Here are some ideas.

1. Make your land wildlife friendly
The Fondation can guide you in the creation of habitats:

2. Volunteer some time
Wildlife and conservation organizations always need help with work or to manage their organization. Contact your regional Conseil régional de l’Environnement to learn the names of organizations seeking volunteers.

3. Establish an organization to protect a natural environment
If you are prepared to take action to protect a marsh, wooded area, lake or any other place of particular interest, you must first set up an organization grouping together several individuals who share your objective and are willing to invest time to achieve it. A small, diversified and motivated group of people suffices to create an efficient organization and undertake concrete projects.

4. Donate land to protect it
If you would like to dispose of land that is home to several wildlife species so that it may be preserved as such forever, you can make an ecological donation. The Fondation de la faune or another agency of your choice can accept a donation of a natural milieu that will be preserved intact for wildlife and for future generations. You, in turn, will be entitled to significant tax benefits.  Contact us for more information.

5. Have part of your land recognized as a “Natural Heritage on Private Land”
Official recognition by the Government of Québec allows you to retain ownership while ensuring the natural vocation of the site forever. Contact the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs for more information or contact us.
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