How to Help Wildlife

Why make a donation

Because nature is bountiful, but fragile.
Spectacular scenery and 400 animal species indigenous to Québec afford countless moments for leisure and a never-ending source of wonder for nature lovers.  Yet natural milieus are subjected to pressure from human activity (urbanization, exploitation of natural resources, pollution, etc.), leading to the deterioration of wildlife habitats and even, on occasion, the decline of particular species.

Because we can change things.
In Québec, several organizations are committed to the protection of wildlife and wildlife habitats. They implement projects to preserve our natural heritage, often with limited means, but with generous willpower. The Fondation de la faune is there to support initiatives in the field presented by thousands of Quebecers who are impassioned by nature.

Because our projects have a direct, positive impact.
  • Habitat protection: purchase of land offering exceptional habitat, signature of voluntary conservation agreements with landowners, installation of protective perimeters, etc.
  • Habitat development: rehabilitation, improvement and even the creation of habitats.
  • Acquisition of knowledge: studies on wildlife habitats, attendant conservation problems, means to protect habitats, etc.
  • Knowledge transfer: specialized training offered to technicians and professionals working in natural milieus or with the public at large.

Because each $1 invested by the Fondation de la faune is worth $4 in the field.
Thanks to the participation of other financial partners, your contribution to the Fondation de la faune will be multiplied by four. A $20,000 subsidy from the Fondation de la faune will result in the completion of an $80,000 project.

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