Expert's Corner

Just Do It: The Case for Tax-Free Investing (PDF, 600 KB) 

Whether you choose an RRSP or TFSA, most Canadians would be well served by simply making a contribution to either plan.



A Simple Way to Save

Consolidating your bills and debts will help you regain control of your money and save you a bundle at the same time

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Build a Successful Savings Plan

Financial priorities change over time, but a good savings plan lasts a lifetime. These five tips will keep you on track

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Fundamental Savings Guidelines

Set up a savings strategy that works for you and your family

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Are You Using a TFSA to Full Advantage?

Many Canadians are under-utilizing their Tax-Free Savings Accounts - learn how to maximize your TFSA as part of your savings plan.

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Improve Your Saving Success

How to stow away more money

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The Confidence to Live Your Dreams

With the right plan, you can have the lifestyle you want today while ensuring security down the road.

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Savings Guidelines: Build a Successful Savings Plan

Set up a savings strategy that works for you and your family.

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10 Tips for Saving Money

Trimming expenses doesn't have to affect your quality of life.

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Do You Have Savings For a Rainy Day?

A rainy day or an emergency savings fund is a safety net that protects you when an unexpected event affects your household's cash flow.

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Boost Your Savings with a Regular Investment Plan

With compound growth, dollar-cost averaging and potential tax savings, a regular investment plan is a powerful strategy.

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Saving for Retirement: Registered vs Non-Registered Investments

As only 50% of capital gains are considered taxable income, some financial planners question the value of RRSPs and suggest that Canadians save for their retirement with non-registered investments.

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Take Advantage of the CESG

To help modest-income families better save for their children's post-secondary education, federal and provincial governments have several programs available.

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Should You Contribute to Your TFSA or Your RRSP?

Both are valuable, but in certain circumstances, one may be better than the other.

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How to Save More

Take control of your finances by choosing the right saving strategy.

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