Here’s how else to reach us:

  • For service in French within Canada or the U.S.: 1-888-337-2422
  • For service outside Canada or the U.S. from select countries, dial the international calling code of the country you’re calling from, then 888-872-2422, followed by 1
  • For service in other countries not covered by these numbers: 1-902-420-2422
  • For service in Cantonese: 1-888-898-2828
  • For service in Mandarin: 1-888-298-8822
  • For TTY service: 1-800-465-7401 
  • For service for your CIBC credit card: 1-800-465-4653 in Canada and the U.S. For service outside Canada and U.S. call collect: 514-861-4653