our communities


“Giving the prospect of hope is more than anyone can ask for.”

—Olay Omadara, Senior Account Processing Officer, CIBC, Toronto 

My son Isaiah and I left Nigeria when he was 2-and-a-half years old. When we got to Canada, we lived in a shelter for six months. Through WoodGreen’s Homeward Bound program, a United Way supported initiative, I found daycare for Isaiah so I could go to school.

I am so grateful for the generosity of complete strangers, and I stay involved by volunteering with them, because I want to give back and show my appreciation. Imagine if we could help twenty more single mothers like me? When people are at their lowest, the only thing that keeps them going is hope.

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United Way

A group of volunteers from CIBC

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One for change

At CIBC, we celebrate motivated, dedicated and passionate team players who give from the heart. No matter how large or small, each change makes a difference. All the changes they make help make our communities better.

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