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  • Coming in September, the WDR 2012 will focus on the economics of gender equality and its contribution to the development process. Greater gender equality can enhance productivity, improve development outcomes for the next generation, and make institutions more representative. Get more information on the forthcoming report on the WDR 2012 website.
    The 'WDR 2012: Gender Equality and Development,' due to be launched in late 2011, will look at facts and trends regarding the various dimensions of gender equality in the context of the development process.
  • The Power of Survey Design not only reveals the multitude of survey design factors that play subtle but crucial roles in the accuracy of survey data and therefore can taint their interpretation, but also offers a guide to the steps involved in administering a survey and convincing potential respondents to participate. Read it online now by clicking the cover below!
    A practical and comprehensive how-to guide on all the steps involved with survey implementation, this book is an essential reference for those who both use and produce survey data.
  • Interested in starting a a media development program, but not sure how to go about it? This book is practical guide for those seeking to enchance good governance by empowering media. Click "read and share this book" after following the link to read the full text online!
    Media development seeks to support and promote a pluralistic, editorially independent and financially sustainable media sector. An independent media sector buttresses key governance goals such as voice, accountability, and transparency -- not through dissemination of messages about these issues, but...
  • Open data has proven to be highly valuable. But what about quality? We cannot realize a more open and inclusive model for citizen-centric development without identifying the areas in which existing data is insufficient or problematic and working to bridge those gaps. What do you think?
    Since its inception, the World Bank’s Open Data initiative has generated considerable excitement and discussion on the possibilities that it holds for democratizing development economics as well as for democratizing the way that development itself is conducted around the world.
  • Looking for online resources for your research? Interested in World Bank books, data, and mapping tools? Look no further! Access a variety of resources for your work from one location. Click for more!
    World Bank Online Resources
    • Roberto Rashto, Kai Zen, Biljana Abiljana and 48 others like this.
  • Need data on private sector development? The data sources presented in this book report on the scope and types of regulations that enhance – and constrain – business activity and provide information on business owners' assessment of the business environment.
    'The Little Data Book on Private Sector Development 2010' is one of a series of pocket-sized books intended to provide a quick reference to...
  • Did you know that since late 1990s the number of Internet users has risen constantly and now tops 1.8 billion people, with the number of...
    This Little Data Book presents tables for over 140 economies showing the most recent national data on key indicators of information and...
    • Mahfuja Parven, Hazman Aziz, Tony Hoho and 34 others like this.
    • Check out our Featured Books tab to your left, or follow this link to read, order, and share our top recent titles.
      The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. Our mission is to fight poverty for lasting results. To support its mission, the World Bank publishes and disseminates a large selection of k...nowledge products. World Bank Publications produces such authoritative reports as the World Development Report and Doing Business, featuring research from top development economists and practitioners. Our portfolio includes major flagship reports to provide policy makers with in-depth analysis on key development topics; handbooks to train practitioners; and scholarly books that contribute to the development debate in universities and think tanks. Our publications cover a broad range of economic and social issues, including development policy, finance, health, education, environment, trade, poverty, climate change, and globalization. In addition to print resources, World Bank online resources offer access to the most reliable research on economic and social development to millions of users around the world. The World Bank eLibrary, our online collection of nearly 6,000 formal publications, includes books, reports, journals and policy research working papers, as well as all new titles as they are published. World Bank knowledge products are available for free on the World Bank website, through the Google Books program, at Public Information Centers, and at Depository Libraries. World Bank Publications products are for sale through a variety of other sources, including international distributors, through content aggregators, as well as the World Bank Publications website. See More
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    • Incorporating gender into Aid for Trade programs can have high payoffs in the long run. Read more about this concept in a new blog post by Otaviano Canuto, Vice President and Head of Poverty Reduction and Economic Management at the World Bank.
      Gender inequality and discrimination can affect many areas of life, from a women’s access to basic health services to her prospects for education and future earnings. Accordingly, in order to overcome these disparities, development practitioners have begun to collect gender-disaggregated data and ad...
      • Mahfuja Parven, Mohsin Syed, Tony Hoho and 29 others like this.
    • Users of Global Development Finance data, the new Little Data Book on External Debt is now available! Quickly and easily access region and country debt data and financial flow information.
      The Little Data Book on External Debt provides a quick reference for users interested in external debt stocks and flows, major economic aggregates, key debt ratios, and the currency composition of long-term debt for all countries reporting through the Debtor Reporting system. A pocket edition of the...
    • Have you checked out our new e-catalog yet? Get info on forthcoming titles, bestsellers, and new e-products and mobile apps!
      Browse inside, read online, or order the most recent and forthcoming World Bank titles including The World Development Report 2012, Doing Business 2012, Global Monitoring Report 2011, Global Development Horizons 2011, World Development Indicators 2011, and many more.
    • What were the outcomes of financial reforms in the Europe and Central Asia region countries following the end of the Soviet era, and how they were achieved?
      This book reviews the experience with one specific though widely introduced approach to funding general education, namely per capita financing (PCF), in six countries in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region in an effort to learn which outcomes were achieved and how.
    • Where has the World Bank disbursed money recently? What global funds does the World Bank manage? What is the World Bank's balance sheet? Explore raw data about the World Bank's finances — slice and dice datasets; visualize data; share it with other site users or through social networks; or take it home with a mobile app.
      The goal of this website is to make data related to the Bank's financials available to everybody in a social, interactive, visually compelling, and machine readable format. The data covers portions of the Bank's investments, assets it manages on behalf of global funds, and the Bank's own financial s...
    • World Bank Chief Economist for Africa Shanta Devarajan blogs about 3 lessons for South Sudan, taken from successes in other African countries as published in "Yes Africa Can."
      At the recent launch of the book, Yes Africa Can: Success Stories from a Dynamic Continent, someone asked whether there are any lessons for Africa’s newest country, South Sudan. I can think of at least three.
    • Did you know, that with an income per capita below US$400 in 2008, Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world? Health, nutrition, and the fight against HIV/AIDS are the key goals of country's poverty reduction strategy.
      This policy note provides an analysis of the evolution of key health indicators over the past few years, and proposes a series of recommendations to support improving access to health services for the most vulnerable and to address some of the more systemic issues that prevent the efficient use of f