To drive urgent action on human capital development, the Human Capital Project is working on two other fronts beyond the Human Capital Index.
Students at the Zanaki Primary School in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. © Sarah Farhat/World Bank

IDA is helping expand renewable energy across developing countries, both to combat climate change and to improve energy access for the poor.
Burundi. © Sarah Farhat/World Bank
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The World Bank Group has two goals,

To end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity in a sustainable way

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Thanks to strong national leadership and ambitious reforms, most parts of the world have seen an expansion in access to health services and action to ensure affordability. However, despite this, half the world's population still cannot access needed health services and 100 million people are pushed into extreme poverty each year because of health expenses, according to recent research from the World Bank Group and World Health Organization (WHO). Read More


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We help developing countries find solutions to the toughest global and local development challenges—from adapting to climate change to boosting food security to increasing access to energy.

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