Windows 10 virtual labs

Virtual labs let you try out Windows 10 setup, deployment, and management scenarios using a cloud-based private virtual machine environment. Each lab presents you with a series of instructions, and access to one or more virtual machines, with no additional software or setup required.

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Windows as a service

Heard about Windows as a service but don’t completely get it, yet? We recommend this lab. It teaches you how Microsoft updates Windows 10 and how you can manage the process.

Concepts in this lab include everything from deferral policies in Windows Update for Business to managing updates in Windows Server Update Services.


Deployment labs

Windows deployment wizard

Upgrade in place to Windows 10 by using MDT and Configuration Manager

Learn how to use MDT or Configuration Manager to perform an in-place upgrade—a key part of providing Windows as a service.

implementing enterprise mode

Use Internet Explorer Enterprise Mode to fix compatibility issues

Learn how to configure and deploy Enterprise Mode in Windows 10, where Microsoft Edge is the default browser.

start menu and taskbar options

Customize the Windows 10 Start menu and taskbar during deployment

Learn how to deploy Start menu and taskbar customizations during deployment by using Group Policy and Windows PowerShell.


Security labs

Windows information protection

Deploy Windows Information Protection

Deploy WIP and take advantage of all its features including enterprise data encryption and remotely wiping data from devices.

device guard configurable code integrity

Deploy Device Guard

Configure and deploy Device Guard step by step, from deploying code integrity policies to enabling virtualization-based security.

deploy device guard

Deploy Credential Guard

In this lab you'll learn how to configure and manage Credential Guard in your Windows 10 enterprise.