Natural Resources Canada

Natural Resources Canada seeks to enhance the responsible development and use of Canada’s natural resources and the competitiveness of Canada’s natural resources products.

The forest as a classroom — Celebrate International Day of Forests on March 21

This year, Canadians and countries around the world will unite by celebrating and raising awareness of the importance of teaching students about forests and sustainable cities.

Can drones help detect radioactivity? (Byte-Sized Science)

Research scientist Dr. Laurel Sinclair takes a drone for a spin that houses a new detector developed by her team able to point out the location of radioactivity. This detector could potentially be used on unmanned aerial vehicles to assist emergency responders and map radioactivity during an incident.

Most requested

Services and information

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency information, funding programs, regulations and energy use data for homes, transportation, alternative fuels, buildings, industry, and products.


Boreal forest, forest industry, forest fires, insects and forest disturbances, sustainable forest management.

Renewable energy

Wind, solar, thermal, hydro, marine, and bioenergy; development, research, and technology.

Earthquakes Canada

Search for recent and past earthquake data, products, research and earthquake zones in Canada.

Funding, grants and incentives

Find funding, grants and incentive programs to encourage research, development and demonstration in Canada.

Climate change impacts and adaptation

Canada’s climate change assessments, programs, initiatives, products and adaptation measures.

Space weather

Short term and long term space weather forecasts, geomagnetic and geoelectric fields, effects on technology.


Sustainable mineral development, markets, exploration, innovation, taxation, Canadian Minerals and Metals Plan.

What we are doing


Investing in Canada: Canada's Long-Term Infrastructure Plan

Our long-term Investing in Canada plan is providing more than $180 billion in infrastructure investments across the country over 12 years.

Simply Science

Get the latest science news and information on Canada’s natural resources

Green Jobs

Helping young Canadians get started in a green career


The Honourable Amarjeet Sohi

Minister of Natural Resources


Paul Lefebvre

Parliamentary Secretary


Christyne Tremblay

Deputy Minister