
Sources of Information

The numbers and population trends of people living in the community have been provided by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics. Updates are regularly made available in the Yukon Statistical Review Annual Reports and the Quarterly Reviews published by the Bureau . These numbers are derived from health administrative records and provide the most current population estimates for communities. The age distributions of the population and gender information were also derived from this source. Census data from the 2006 Census of Canada have been used for other population information, such as the First Nations proportion. Census data were also used to describe the mobility of community residents.

Some First Nations provided current membership information. These numbers may include registered beneficiaries, non-beneficiary citizens and others. For other First Nations registered membership information was provided from the statistical database of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Some of this information is reported on its website. Other information in the First Nations sections was drawn from a variety of First Nation government and other sources.

For the Economy section, the 2006 Census of Canada provides the core information on employment shares by industry. Other information was drawn from Yukon and federal government publications, such as those on mining, tourism and parks. Local sources provided additional information.

Information on the Work section is largely drawn from the 2006 Census. This section covers participation, or involvement in the labour market (money economy) which includes both the number of people employed and the number of people who are unemployed but looking for work. Other aspects covered include work patterns such as full-time, full year, incidence of self-employment, earned incomes and the main occupations found in each community.

For some communities Census data for a few subdivisions (geographic areas) were combined to best reflect the overall community situation. Employment Insurance claimant numbers come from Human Resources Development Canada's administrative data as reported in the Yukon Statistical Review: 20011 Annual Report. Further information on work characteristics came from other communities, Yukon, or other government sources. Local sources were consulted extensively. A detailed description of occupations and the nature of work and labour markets in Yukon can be found in Yukon WorkFutures.

Education levels of the adult population 20 years of age and older are from the 2006 Census.

The major information sources for the Community and Business Services sections include local, municipal and other descriptions of each community, tourism reports, Yukon land and environment reviews, Yukon College, schools and other Internet sites. Community contributors (see Acknowledgements) also provided information. Internet sites have been listed at the end of each profile for further reference.

Housing numbers, values and costs were derived from the 2006 Census with additional information provided by First Nation governments or drawn from the Yukon Region First Nation Profiles and Yukon Bureau of Statistics material. The cost of living information was taken from Yukon government Community Spatial Price Indices, as reported in the Yukon Statistical Review: 2011 Annual Report.

Climate records are from Environment Canada records as reported in the Yukon Statistical Review: 20011 Annual Report or were obtained directly from Environment Canada.