Beaver Creek
Burwash Landing
Dawson City
Destruction Bay
Haines Junction
Old Crow
Pelly Crossing
Ross River
Watson Lake

Schools and Training

Primary Education
Education is a priority of the Kluane First Nation.  Kluane Lake School, a kindergarten to grade eight primary school, is located in Destruction Bay, 17 kilometers from Burwash Landing.  A school bus brings students in from Burwash Landing to Destruction Bay and back.

“I grew up in Burwash Landing; our school was one of the local houses.  There were eleven of us, and over half of us went on to obtain advanced university degrees.”

Kluane First Nation Chief Math'ieya Alatini

A KFN education coordinator actively supports and promotes secondary and post-secondary education for members of the First Nation.  The primary goal of the post-secondary and training office is to assist students to secure funding for post-secondary studies and to assist KFN to gain higher employability through increased training and development.  As a result, the KFN has a number of university graduates.

Library Services
The library is located overlooking the lake at the rear of the Jacquot Building. Free public internet and computer access is available in the library.

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