Beaver Creek
Burwash Landing
Dawson City
Destruction Bay
Haines Junction
Old Crow
Pelly Crossing
Ross River
Watson Lake

For New Residents

Tucked away in a mountainous setting in the Tintina Valley is the Town of Faro, 359 kilometers northeast of Whitehorse, in the Central-South Eastern Region of the Yukon.

The town’s population of 367 (September, 2012) often refers to Faro as Yukon’s best kept secret and takes full advantage of the Campbell Region wilderness and dramatic landscape.

Faro is situated within the traditional territory of the Ross River Dena Council, however the First Nation’s office is located in Ross River rather than Faro.  And, although the First Nation people have never settled here permanently, they have worked cooperatively with the Town of Faro on several projects such as remediation of the Faro mine site and development and management of the Dena Cho Trail.

Faro was once home to one of the world’s largest lead, silver and zinc mine from 1970 until 1998; reclamation is ongoing and managed by Yukon Government.

This community of free-spirited individuals, entrepreneurs and artists continues to create new opportunities and enhance their community.

The excellent infrastructure of the town provides for local community and business needs.  The housing market is affordable and the economy offers a wide range of opportunities for individuals, families and businesses.


There are approximately 425 dwellings (2011) in Faro, which are a mixture of single family, multi-units and mobile homes, as well as a country residential subdivision within the municipal boundary.

  • The Town of Faro
    Provides current real estate listings
  • The Frozen Mukluk

    The Town of Faro’s monthly newsletter (available online on the Town of Faro website) provides local advertising for Real estate

  • Yukon Housing Corporation (YHC)
    Yukon Housing Corporation offers 10 social housing units and 14 staff units in Faro . The Corporation also offers programs and services that enable home renovations, construction of additional rental suites, mortgages and financing.

  • Yukon Socio-Economic Web Portal
    Provides census information on housing, and more for Faro, as well as other communities of Yukon

More Information?


The main employers in Faro are with government: Federal, Territorial, and Municipal. The private sector provides employment in in the construction, mining, service industry, and tourism fields.  Faro is also home to a multitude of small home-based businesses, artists, photographers, & crafters.

The Town of Faro’s monthly newsletter (available online on the Town of Faro website) provides local advertising for Employment

More Information?

  • Yukon Employment Central
    Provides job boards, employment counseling, workshops and more
  • YuWIN
    Online employment resource for employers and job seekers, including current job listings, the Yukon labour market, career planning, education, and training
  • Yukon Workfutures
    Guide to work opportunities in the territory that provides information on the labour market, working conditions, education, and employment prospects
  • Invest Yukon: Yukon Employment Connection
    List of employment-related websites to help your search for employment