Beaver Creek
Burwash Landing
Dawson City
Destruction Bay
Haines Junction
Old Crow
Pelly Crossing
Ross River
Watson Lake

Quality of Life

Mayo is home to 446 people (2012) who enjoy a prosperous community with such facilities as motels, eating facilities, post office, liquor store, propane and gas, grocery store, swimming pool, nursing station, RCMP, airport, and float plane services. There is also a lodge located at Halfway Lakes, 26 km north of Mayo.

The cross-cultural nature of the community provides vast rewards for those who choose to take part. The First Nation’s culture of living on and respect for the land gives a beautiful insight into how we choose to interact with the environment and relate to other community members.

"Sók neyni’įn!" (It is good to see you!).

While turnover of community members happens to some extent, Mayo has a core group of people who have been there for generations and have raised children and grandchildren in the area. A long history has given the community deep roots.

The wilderness environment leaves newcomers little doubt as to what to take advantage of; boredom is never an option.  Given the natural playground available in Mayo's backyard, adventures on the land and water are there for the taking.