Beaver Creek
Burwash Landing
Dawson City
Destruction Bay
Haines Junction
Old Crow
Pelly Crossing
Ross River
Watson Lake

First Nations

The Ross River Dena Council is included in the broader Kaska nation whose traditional territory extends through much of southeastern Yukon and into British Columbia.

Traditionally, the Kaska harvested and camped in the area that is now Ross River; this area is abundant in wildlife and still provides for the First Nation people through hunting, fishing and trapping.

There are several regional dialects of the Kaska language and much work has been accomplished by the Kaska to preserve the language through a Kaska Language Dictionary and cultural programs.

Administered as an Indian Band under the Indian Act, Ross River Dena Council’s governance structure includes a Chief, Deputy Chief and three Councillors.

The Kaska people of Ross River are known for their unique style of drumming and singing and host many stick gambling events at Coffee Lake, their traditional cultural gathering place.

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