Beaver Creek
Burwash Landing
Dawson City
Destruction Bay
Haines Junction
Old Crow
Pelly Crossing
Ross River
Watson Lake

For Tourists

Ross River is a community at the confluence of the Ross and Pelly rivers and near the junction of the Campbell Highway and Canol Road.

An important trading post in the past, Ross River is the gateway to the North and South Canol roads and offers the only service station on the Canol Road. A summer ferry in Ross River provides service to the North Canol.

The Dena Cho Trail, a traditional route used by the Kaska people, runs 67 kilometers along the north bank of the Pelly River and connects Ross River with Faro.

The town is the main service center for a vast area of spectacular natural beauty. There are many mountainous areas that have alpine meadows, blue lakes, clear streams, grizzlies and black bears, mountain goats, mountain sheeps, and wolves.

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