Uniquely Yukon

Discover what makes the Yukon unlike any other place in the world, capturing the hearts and imagination of travellers from around the world. 

About the Yukon

Rich living-history, stunningly unique geography and more epic scenes than a Hollywood blockbuster. 

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Uniquely Yukon

The Yukon captures the hearts and imaginations of travellers from around the globe. Its vastness beckons explorers, its terrain appeals to adventurers and its natural beauty seals the deal for Instagrammers.

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Seasons of the Yukon

Don't be snowblind. The Yukon enjoys all four seasons, including endless warm summer nights and beautiful spring days.

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Regions of the Yukon

The Yukon is a big beautiful place, made up of smaller beautiful places. Dig into every nook and cranny from BC to Alaska.

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Yukon Stories

A Veteran Dogsledder

Jocelyne LeBlanc completed the 1,000 mile Yukon Quest. So you could say she knows a thing or two about mushing huskies. 

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Things to do in the Yukon

This website can feel almost as big as the Yukon itself. Use the filters below to narrow in on the what, where and when of your future trip.

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