Who We Are…


The Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon (WTAY) is the collective voice of the wilderness and adventure tourism industry in the Yukon Territory, Canada. We are a member-driven, nonprofit organization providing marketing, advocacy, research, consultation, referrals and education.

Our members support eco-tourism best practices as outlined in WTAY's Code of Conduct for Operating Wilderness Tours.

Before travelling in the Yukon wilderness, please read Things You Need to Know About Camping in the Yukon.


Founded in 1993, the Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon was originally developed to provide adventure tour operators and guides an avenue in which to discuss, investigate, lobby and represent any issues that uniquely affect the wilderness tourism sector.

Today, WTAY's overall objective remains the same, however we have continued to change and adapt as we respond to our growing industry's distinct needs.  Currently, WTAY is responsible for various initiatives, such as: facilitating educational seminars to increase knowledge and training; making available relevant research and communications; developing and promoting the Yukon as a year-round travel destination; acting as a liaison with the territorial, federal and First Nations governments as well as other associations; and managing the Yukon Wild Cooperative Marketing Partnership.