Community Voices - Fight the Stroke
J Landress Brass' Patrons
J. Landress Brass: I Will Survive

For Kite (they/them), coming out is a story of letting go of everything that was holding them back. Instead of being scared of the future, they learned to embrace the present with support from their family and online community.

“I think for me, coming out is letting it all go. Whether it’s a small thing, like changing your pronouns on Facebook, or letting people know you’re dating someone of the same gender, it’s the little everyday things.

“The reality is that you come out ...all the time. You come out daily.”

We’re all better off when we understand each other more. Learn about non-binary people and their community and how you can support them through resources from The National Center for Transgender Equality:…/understanding-non-binary-people…

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“I always tell people I'm so proud to be Hispanic American, because I can embrace the American, but I also have the Latina in me that will never leave my blood. I think seeing my parents working hard, being humble, has shaped me to be the person that I am.”

Lieutenant Colonel Marisol Chalas immigrated from the Dominican Republic when she was just nine years old. Her story of resilience is about breaking barriers for herself and other women in the Army, by rising above obstac...les. She became the first Latina Black Hawk pilot in the Army National Guard. She later transitioned to the U.S. Army Reserves and currently serves as the Legislative Assistant to the 37th Vice Chief of Staff of the Army.

"My first aviation unit was not very female friendly, but I overcame that and became a much stronger person. Resilience means setting goals, falling down, dusting yourself off, and saying 'I got this.' It means if you have to take a step back and be like: 'God, why me?', you lean on your friends and you remind yourself what your goal is. And no matter what you just keep trucking forward. Querer es poder. To want is to achieve.”

The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

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