Donate F.A.Q.

What are the dates within which my gifts to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation will be eligible to be counted toward the McCall MacBain Foundation’s Match Challenge?

The McCall MacBain Foundation will match all cash received by the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation during the Match Challenge Period, from 1 February 2013 to 31 August 2021, or until the $2 million limit is reached, whichever occurs sooner.



I am interested in making a multi-year commitment. How will the match work where a gift is given in several annual installments?

First, once you have signed an gift agreement with the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, we will subtract the total amount of your gift from what remains of the $2 million Match Challenge envelope.

Second, the McCall MacBain Foundation will be obliged to match your gift only when the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation receives the cash installments of your multi-year gift, not when your initial commitment is made.

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is monitoring all pledges and gifts and will ensure that donors are made aware from the outset of the extent to which their gift will be matched.

What happens when the match limit is reached?

We will let donors know when the match limit is achieved and we will celebrate succeeding in this Match Challenge. In the absence of any other new match programs, donations will still be sought but without the benefit of matched giving from other donors.

Is this the only matching program available?

No, many employer matching programs exist where companies offer to match their employees’ charitable giving. We encourage you to alert us to any matching programs that your employer might operate.

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is open to further matching proposals from donors