Human Rights and Dignity

Human beings should be able to lead a life within society that reflects their common values and aspirations, in spite of differences and inequalities. This ethical stance requires us to find new prospects for inclusion and participation in order to advance opportunities for all people and reduce the gaps between individuals and groups. The purpose of pursuing and establishing civil, political, economic and social rights is to preserve and promote human dignity, in all its aspects and dimensions. This means that the issue of human rights is not limited to legal issues but is directly related to social justice.

Research on this theme may focus, for example, on all aspects of rights affirmation movements, including social policy and humanitarian action. In particular, the Foundation is interested in studies related to group and individual emancipation efforts or, inversely, examinations of exclusionary practices and marginalized groups. Possible lines of inquiry include violence, poverty, health, education and nurture, employment, intergenerational inequities as well as failures of recognition, failures to act and failed actions.

Other subjects will most likely gain significance in the near future, such as the social and political integration of immigrants, internal migrations, issues linked to the information society and ownership of knowledge and dematerialized value.

Finally, several issues associated with the theme of human rights and dignity are also closely interconnected with the three other Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation themes. The study of climate change, the international trade economy and public health pandemics are three such examples.

Explore Human Rights and Dignity via the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Community’s publications.

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