10 July 2019

This has been an extraordinary year in the life of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation.

July 9th, 2019 marks one year since Pascale Fournier officially became President & CEO with a mandate to innovate the programs of the Foundation. Every member of the Foundation’s community can be proud of the strides the Foundation has taken toward sharpening its focus on the development of Scholars as engaged leaders. The innovation of our programs brings into sharper focus the mission of the Foundation: to support and empower our Scholars so they can have meaningful impact and bring positive change in the world.

Many milestones have been met over the last twelve very busy and exhilarating months.

Future Forums

Throughout the fall and winter of 2018-19, the Foundation held listening and learning sessions called the Future Forums in every province and territory. Some 450 participants from across Canada shared their ideas and insights on how the Foundation can better foster Engaged Leadership and Inclusive Excellence. Among the participants were more than 80 current and alumni members of the Foundation community. This rich learning experience placed a focus on expression through art, and on breaking down barriers that traditionally have prevented some from fully participating in the academic community.

Some of the key themes which emerged from the Future Forums include diversity, reconciliation, leadership, innovation, and knowledge-sharing. A complete report on the Future Forums will be released this fall in collaboration with Harvard University, and will be central to the Foundation’s strategic plan going forward.

Leadership Programs

This spring, the Foundation proudly announced that for the first time in its distinguished history, 20 bold, outstanding doctoral researchers were selected to receive the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholarship. The news came as the Foundation strives to sharpen its focus on development of leadership skills, cementing its role as a gateway to empower Scholars to bring meaningful impact to the world through their research.

One of the central new programs to help foster leadership skills among Scholars are The Institutes of Engaged Leadership, which will commence in earnest in October in Yellowknife. The Institutes are supported by the contributions of the Foundation’s world-class Fellows and Mentors and explore a new theme each year, the first being Power & Knowledge.


In the last year the Foundation has made significant and meaningful progress in some key areas. Last fall, we proudly announced the Board of Directors – for the first time in the Foundation’s existence – achieved gender parity, while reaching unprecedented heights when it comes to diversity.

As the Foundation innovates its programs, it is equally important to ensure the wellness of the members of our community. The Foundation took bold steps toward ensuring a safe and respectful environment at our events, with the introduction of a new Prevention of Harassment Policy. In addition, a new Mental Health Policy was developed and brought into force, offering mental health services to Scholars, above and beyond what may be available at their institutions.

Alumni Network Renewal

Currently the Foundation is taking the names of volunteers who express an interest in becoming part of the Alumni Network Executive. This group of dedicated ambassadors made of proud former Scholars, Mentors, and Fellows will help invigorate the Alumni Network, continuing to play a positive and active role supporting Foundation activities for the benefit of fellow alumni and current community members alike.

In the last year, much has been accomplished to innovate the Foundation’s programs, and take the benefits of being a Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholar, Mentor, or Fellow to a new level.

Even more positive and exciting developments await. With the introduction of a vibrant and inspiring new website later this year, the stories of the Foundation’s members will be showcased and shared with the world as never before.

And, at the core of the Foundation’s mission, a new Strategic Plan which takes learnings from the Foundation’s recent Five-Year Review and the Future Forums will help chart the way toward a richer Foundation experience for everyone who proudly wears the Foundation badge of excellence.