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When Do I Need Permission to Use Google Brand Features?

Because we are passionate about protecting the reputation of our brands, we are very careful about how our trademarks, logos, web pages, screenshots or other distinctive features, are used. It is never OK with us for any of our brand features to be altered, edited or misrepresented.

All of our trademarks, logos, web pages, screen shots and other distinctive features ("Google Brand Features") are protected by applicable trademark, copyright and other intellectual property laws. If you would like to use any of Google Brand Features on your website, in an ad, in an article or book, or reproduce them anywhere else, you may need to first receive permission from Google. We've tried to make this process as painless as possible.

Instructive/illustrative screenshots
The one instance when you don't need to ask our permission is when you want to use a standard, unaltered Google screenshot in a print (book, magazine, journal, newspaper) or electronic (web page, DVD, CD) format for an instructive or illustrative purpose. This must be an unaltered--meaning there are no graphics, photos, or advertising copy superimposed on the screenshot you plan to use, nor have you changed the look of the image in any way--image from most of our products (see special cases below). Examples of instructive or illustrative purposes are: using a screenshot of a Google search results page to show where the sponsored links are located or using a screenshot of an Advanced Search page to illustrate how to conduct an advanced search. Using a screenshot of a Google search results page in connection with advertising your products or services (for instance, trying to show a number one ranking on Google) is not considered instructive or illustrative and therefore is not permitted.

If you have any concern that your intended re-use does not fall under this exception, please do get in touch with us by filling out the Permission Request Form after you have read the Guidelines for Third Party Use (the "Guidelines").

Special cases: Google Maps and Google Earth
Please refer to the Google Maps/Earth guidelines for questions on permitted use.

About high-resolution images
Please note that except in very specific cases, we are unable to produce custom high resolution screenshots, photos, logos, etc. We hope you will be able to find what you need here.

All other uses
So now, if you have determined that you need to apply for permission to use Google Brand Features, please review the Guidelines, which provide an overview of the process and set forth certain things you cannot do. Those Guidelines will lead you to the Permission Request Form, which you need to complete and send to us. Please note that by signing that form, you are agreeing to both the Guidelines and the Google Brand Features Terms and Conditions, which you should carefully read, understand and agree with.

Thanks so much for your cooperation.

Go to the Guidelines.