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Contact us – Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Phone, email and address information for questions, complaints, appeals, applications or permissions.

By phone

For general or media questions, or if you have a question about your food licence.


Send us a question or comment via our website.

Inspections and investigations

Contact an office near you.


Request an authorization or get help with import requirements.


Licenses, permits, registrations, exemptions, authorizations, and permissions to move.

Food safety or labelling issues

How to report a concern.

Complaints and appeals

Steps to send a complaint or appeal a CFIA decision.

Pre-market applications

Livestock feed, Plant Breeders' Rights, fertilizer, crop variety, plant with novel traits, veterinary biologic.

Produce inspections

To resolve buyer-seller disputes over the quality of shipped fresh fruit and vegetables.

Animal health offices

Check office hours, or report a suspected case of animal disease immediately.

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