How to Report a Complaint

Companies conducting interest-based advertising are held accountable when they join our self-regulatory program.

Complaints are accepted and addressed through Ad Standards, an independent enforcement body tasked with monitoring our self-regulatory program.

To report a potential violation of the AdChoices program principles, please visit Ad Standards' reporting form. Tips for complaint submissions are detailed below.


Submitting a Complaint

When preparing to submit a complaint about ad targeting, have as much information available as possible to report to Ad Standards.

It’s important to make note of where you saw the ad (the website URL or the app), what the ad was for (ideally the brand name), whether or not the icon was displayed on the ad, what happened when you clicked on the icon notice, etc.

Try to take screenshots of the incident you are reporting, as that will greatly help Ad Standards conduct their investigation. Look at the controls to the right for how to take a screenshot.


About Ad Standards

Ad Standards, an independent national advertising self-regulatory body, is responsible for the accountability component of the AdChoices program in Canada.

As part of this responsibility, Ad Standards accepts and investigates complaints about online interest-based advertising practices that may violate the DAAC's self-regulatory principles for online behavioural advertising.

When a violation is confirmed, Ad Standards works with companies involved to achieve compliance. Ad Standards also publishes compliance reports.

Learn More


Compliance Reports

The AdChoices Accountability Program Compliance Reports highlight how companies participating in the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada (DAAC)'s AdChoices program for online interest-based advertising (IBA) have implemented the program's principles.

As Canada's national advertising industry self-regulatory body, Ad Standards' compliance efforts are independent from the DAAC.