How to Join

Participating in the program is a four step process. Read below for the steps to take before filling out the registration form.

Already know what it needs to participate? Skip ahead and fill out the registration form below.


Step 1:
Learn How to
Implement the Principles

All companies interested in joining the AdChoices self-regulatory program should learn how to implement the DAAC principles. To help you determine what you will need to do within your organization to comply, please review the different responsibilities below, based on what your company’s business practices are for interest-based advertising. Keep in mind that your company may be one, or all, of these types of entities depending on how you collect or use interest-based advertising.

First Party

A first party is a website publisher or website operator that allows the collection or use of online interest-based advertising (IBA) data on their property. For first parties, in-page or in-application notification to consumers about IBA needs to be above the fold or otherwise displayed in a similarly conspicuous manner, such as through a pop-up notice.

Third Party

A Third Party is as an advertising network, DSP, trade desk or data company (including ad exchanges and data aggregators) and in some cases advertisers.

Service Provider

A Service Provider is any internet access provider (ISP), search engine, web toolbar, browser, or other service that enables the provider to have access to all or substantially all URLs accessed by its users. Service Providers collect and use user data for online interest-based advertising in the course of their activities, and therefore have separate obligations under the DAAC’s Principles.


Step 2:
Register to Use the Icon

The AdChoices Icon (illustrated to the above) is a prominent feature of the DAAC’s program for online interest-based advertising.

Companies participating in the program may use the icon and the word “AdChoices” as a means for providing notice of online interest-based advertising data collection and use, and to represent adherence to the DAAC principles for online interest-based advertising.

If your organization is interested in acquiring the icon for use in connection with the principles, please visit our company registration page.

Step 3:
Join the Tools

Third Parties engaged in online interest-based advertising are encouraged to be listed in the opt-out tools we offer on our consumer opt-out page. This is where consumers are able to easily opt out of some or all participating companies’ online interest-based ads.

You can find links to how to join these tools on the company registration page. Please note that participation in the opt-out tools requires a separate fee that is billed by the DAA.

Step 4:
Determine Whether to Use
an Approved Provider

The DAAC has approved two service providers to assist companies in serving the AdChoices icon and complying with the DAAC principles. These Approved Providers have been endorsed and approved as a technology and standard method for adhering to the DAAC principles. Working with an approved provider is voluntary and solely based on your company’s needs.