Azure for Education

Students and educators can get the developer tools and learning resources they need to build cloud-based skills.

Dream it. Build it. Live it.

Build, deploy and manage applications with comprehensive Azure cloud services. Whether you’re a student getting started, an educator teaching advanced workloads, or just interested in building cloud-based skills in your community, we’ve got the cloud development resources you need.


Students jump-start their careers and innovation with free access to Azure, developer tools and learning resources.

Explore Azure for Students

Compete in Imagine Cup


Professors, teachers and teaching assistants get access to open-source content for classes and $200 in Azure credits, plus free services.

Get your Azure free account


Prepare your students for cloud-based tech careers with Azure. Provide professional developer tools, software, services and educational content to your faculty and students with a low-cost subscription to Azure Dev Tools for Teaching.

Learn more

Help students in your community to build cloud skills

Bring learning opportunities to your community, whether it’s your family, a club or your local school. Get started with these resources and tools to help students build the skills they need for the future.

Compete in Microsoft Imagine Cup

Imagine Cup empowers the next generation of computer science students to team up and use their creativity, passion and knowledge to create applications that shape how we live, work and play. Every year tens of thousands of students from across the globe compete for cash, travel, prizes and the honour of taking home the Imagine Cup.

Learn about Imagine Cup

Take a free coding course

Start learning today with free learning paths and labs to improve coding skills. Whether you’re just starting out or you have some coding experience, Microsoft Learn has a path for you.

Explore hands-on learning

Create a computer lab in the cloud

Easily set up and provide on-demand access to pre-configured virtual machines to support your classroom, workshop or hackathon.

Try Azure Lab Services

Learn more about student programmes and offers

Take advantage of a variety of programmes, resources and career opportunities to help students pursue careers in technology or any other industry.

Explore Microsoft resources for students

Universities are doing great things with Azure

“By using Azure Notebooks, students aren’t hindered by installation issues. They can just start working straight away. All they need is a decent browser and an Internet connection.�

– Dr. Garth Wells: Hibbit Reader in Solid Mechanics, Department of Engineering

Read how Cambridge uses Azure to teach engineering

University of Cambridge

“We tried several solutions and found that many cloud-based IoT platforms are overly complicated for what they do. Among the possible options, Azure was the best choice to get this done.�

– Luca Mottola: Associate Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Learn why Milan’s largest university chose Azure


Student innovates non-invasive blood glucose monitor with Azure

In May 2019, UCLA college freshman Bryan Chiang won $100000, a mentoring session with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, and other prizes for his healthcare solution. He developed EasyGlucose, a non-invasive and low-cost alternative for blood glucose monitoring, which uses Azure deep learning to analyse eye images and predict blood glucose levels.

Meet Bryan and learn more about EasyGlucose