
Create and consume RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way

OData Connected Service 0.9.0 Release
OData Connected Service 0.9.0 has been released and is now available on Visual Studio Marketplace. This release adds the following features and bug fixes:  You can get the extension from Visual Studio Marketplace      
OData Connected Service v0.8.0 Release
OData Connected Service 0.8.0 has been released and is now available on the Visual Studio Marketplace. The new version adds the following features:   There  instances where you want to re-use same configuration settings across multiple projects. Manually supplying the same settings every time you spin up a new pr
Move OData to .NET 5
Introduction Along with the Announcing .NET 5 preview 1, it’s time to move OData to .NET 5. This blog is intended to describe how easy to move the BookStore sample introduced in ASP.NET Core OData now Available  onto .NET 5. Let's get started. Install .NET 5 .NET 5 SDK is required to build the .NET 5 application. So, Let’s follow u
OData Connected Service 0.7.1 Release
We are pleased to announce a new release of OData Connected Service, version 0.7.1. This version adds the following important features and bug fixes: You can get the extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace. 1. VB.NET Support You can now use OData Connected Service extension to generate OData client code for Visual B
OData Connected Service version 0.6.0 Release
OData Connected Service 0.6.0 has been released and is available in the Visual Studio Marketplace. The new version adds the following features: Custom Http Headers  This feature allows you to add headers that will be sent with the request that fetches the metadata used in generating proxy files. This is actually important
OData Connected Service version 0.5.0 Release
OData Connected Service 0.5.0 has been released and is available in the Visual Studio Marketplace. The new version has the following new features: In addition to the above features, the new version has the following improvements and fixes: Microsoft.OData.Client v7.6.3 OData Connected Service version 0.5
OData Connected Service 0.4.0 Release
OData Connected Service 0.4.0 has been released and is now available on the Visual Studio Marketplace. The new version adds the following features: In this article, I would like to take you through some key new features and get you up to speed with using the OData Connected Service. OData Connected Service in Visual Studio
Migrating OData V3 Services to OData V4 without Disrupting Existing Clients
The migration from your existing OData V3 services to V4 can be challenging if there are some clients that cannot be easily upgraded, like the ones running on on-premises resources. The OData V3 services will need to be kept running until the old clients have been phased out, incurring maintenance overhead. OData team recently released an exte
Enabling Endpoint Routing in OData
Few months ago we announced an experimental release of OData for ASP.NET Core 3.1, and for those who could move forward with their applications without leveraging endpoint routing, the release was considered final, although not ideal. But for those who have existing APIs or were planning to develop new APIs leveraging endpoint routing, the
Integrating Cosmos DB with OData (Part 3)
Sometimes requiring to build an entire ASP.NET Core application just for the purpose of exposing a RESTFul API endpoint to give your API consumers the ability to query, filter and order the data could be a bit of an overhead, especially if you are not planning on adding in any additional business logic between your data and it's consumers.


OData Connected Service 0.4.0 Release

OData Connected Service 0.4.0 has been released and is now available on the Visual Studio Marketplace.
The new version adds the following features:

Support for Visual Studio 2019 (in addition to Visual Studio 2017)
Option to generate types as internal so that they are not accessible outside the assembly
Bug fixes

In this article,


OData Connected Service 0.9.0 Release

OData Connected Service 0.9.0 has been released and is now available on Visual Studio Marketplace. This release adds the following features and bug fixes:

Emitting service metadata to an XML file
Excluding some schema types from being emitted onto the Connected Service proxy class
Refinements and minor bug fixes

 You can get the extension from Visual Studio Marketplace

Emitting service metadata to an XML file

Prior to this release,

OData Connected Service v0.8.0 Release

OData Connected Service 0.8.0 has been released and is now available on the Visual Studio Marketplace.
The new version adds the following features:

Add support for loading configuration settings from an existing configuration file
Saving the configuration wizard state when navigating through the pages


Move OData to .NET 5

Along with the Announcing .NET 5 preview 1, it’s time to move OData to .NET 5. This blog is intended to describe how easy to move the BookStore sample introduced in ASP.NET Core OData now Available  onto .NET 5.
Let’s get started.

OData Connected Service 0.7.1 Release

We are pleased to announce a new release of OData Connected Service, version 0.7.1. This version adds the following important features and bug fixes:

VB.NET support
Option to include or exclude operation imports from generated code
Ability to access the metadata endpoint behind a proxy
Bug fixes and other improvements

You can get the extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

OData Connected Service version 0.6.0 Release

OData Connected Service 0.6.0 has been released and is available in the Visual Studio Marketplace.
The new version adds the following features:

Custom Http headers. 
Generation of multiple files.
Writing metadata to a file.

Custom Http Headers 
This feature allows you to add headers that will be sent with the request that fetches the metadata used in generating proxy files.

OData Connected Service version 0.5.0 Release

OData Connected Service 0.5.0 has been released and is available in the Visual Studio Marketplace.
The new version has the following new features:

A new version of the Microsoft.OData.Client library(v7.6.3)
Supports mocking of the generated functions and properties.
An option to open the generated files in the IDE after code generation.

OData Connected Service 0.4.0 Release

OData Connected Service 0.4.0 has been released and is now available on the Visual Studio Marketplace.
The new version adds the following features:

Support for Visual Studio 2019 (in addition to Visual Studio 2017)
Option to generate types as internal so that they are not accessible outside the assembly
Bug fixes

In this article,

Migrating OData V3 Services to OData V4 without Disrupting Existing Clients

The migration from your existing OData V3 services to V4 can be challenging if there are some clients that cannot be easily upgraded, like the ones running on on-premises resources. The OData V3 services will need to be kept running until the old clients have been phased out,

Enabling Endpoint Routing in OData

Few months ago we announced an experimental release of OData for ASP.NET Core 3.1, and for those who could move forward with their applications without leveraging endpoint routing, the release was considered final, although not ideal.
But for those who have existing APIs or were planning to develop new APIs leveraging endpoint routing,

Integrating Cosmos DB with OData (Part 3)

Sometimes requiring to build an entire ASP.NET Core application just for the purpose of exposing a RESTFul API endpoint to give your API consumers the ability to query, filter and order the data could be a bit of an overhead, especially if you are not planning on adding in any additional business logic between your data and it’s consumers.


$select Enhancement in ASP.NET Core OData

The release of ASP.NET Core OData v7.3 brings a ton of improvements to $select functionality. In this article, I’d like to introduce some of the new features of $select and its usages in combination with other query options like $filter, $top,

ASP.NET Core OData now Available

The Microsoft OData Team is proud to announce general availability (GA) of OData (Open OData Protocol) on ASP.NET Core 2.0. It is now available through Nuget package at https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData, current its version is 7.0.0.
Along this release, it will allow customers to create OData v4.0 endpoints and leverage the OData query syntax easily on multiple platforms,


Move OData to .NET 5

Along with the Announcing .NET 5 preview 1, it’s time to move OData to .NET 5. This blog is intended to describe how easy to move the BookStore sample introduced in ASP.NET Core OData now Available  onto .NET 5.
Let’s get started.

$select Enhancement in ASP.NET Core OData

The release of ASP.NET Core OData v7.3 brings a ton of improvements to $select functionality. In this article, I’d like to introduce some of the new features of $select and its usages in combination with other query options like $filter, $top,

Optimizing Web Applications with OData $Select

OData as an API technology comes in with so many options that gives API consumers the power to shape, filter, order and navigate through the data with very few lines of code.
In my previous articles I talked in details about how to enable OData on your existing ASP.NET Core API using the EDM model,

Integrating Cosmos DB with OData (Part 2)

In the first article of this series, we talked about integrating Cosmos DB with ASP.NET Core application powered by OData using a pre-built solution that was using Cosmos Client to run full CRUD operations.
But that’s not the only way we can work with Cosmos DB from ASP.NET Core –

Integrating Cosmos DB with OData (Part 1)

We talked in previous articles about the pluggability of OData with any storage technology regardless of its schema, whether it’s a SQL-based storage, NoSQL, In-Memory or simply a file on a hard-drive.
This power of OData enables developers to work with powerful,

Supercharging ASP.NET Core API with OData

In this article, I’m going to show you how you can supercharge your existing ASP.NET Core APIs with OData to provide better experience for your API consumers with only 4 lines of code.
For the purpose of this tutorial please clone our demo project WashingtonSchools so you can follow up and try the different features we are going to talk about in this article.

ASP.NET Core OData now Available

The Microsoft OData Team is proud to announce general availability (GA) of OData (Open OData Protocol) on ASP.NET Core 2.0. It is now available through Nuget package at https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData, current its version is 7.0.0.
Along this release, it will allow customers to create OData v4.0 endpoints and leverage the OData query syntax easily on multiple platforms,