Welcome to Copyright Clearance Center’s podcast series.

Every Monday and Friday, Beyond the Book brings you breaking news and thoughtful analysis from across the dynamic global content industry. Hear how leading authors, editors and publishers are managing digital change and thriving in a world of innovation. Beyond the Book is produced by Copyright Clearance Center, a global leader in content management, discovery and document delivery solutions that accelerate knowledge, power publishing and advance copyright.

The Fight Against COVID-19 Digs Into Drug Data

The Fight Against COVID-19 Digs Into Drug Data

“There was a really important moment in my own battle against Castleman disease,” Dr. Fajgenbaum says. “I went from hoping that things would work out and hoping that someone else would figure out a drug, to wanting to turn my hope into action.”

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Publishing & The Pandemic

Publishing & The Pandemic

We are recognizing, in new ways, how much of daily life that authors and publishers make possible and how much they make life under lockdown bearable.

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