CCC’s Statement on COVID-19


CCC operates globally and has a well-established, detailed Business Continuity Plan as part of our rigorous SOC2 (Type 2) and ISO 27001 compliance programs. We are taking COVID-19 seriously and recognize that it has and will continue to cause substantial business disruption.

CCC operations continue uninterrupted, our products and services are fully available and our global customer support teams continue to provide outstanding service.

CCC puts the health and safety of our customers, staff and families, above all else. We have taken prophylactic steps to mitigate risk of infection and to provision for continuous, uninterrupted service. We placed restrictions on all business travel. We have enabled employees to work from home. We would like to emphasize that CCC employees are prepared to work from home for an extended period without compromising established security protocols or impacting productivity.

CCC’s leadership receives a daily briefing, aggregating essential developments from numerous organizations including the World Health Organization (WHO), CDC, local governments, and relevant health authorities. We continue to follow expert guidance and implement recommendations as appropriate.

We will update this information as needed.

Copyright Clearance Center

Author: Copyright Clearance Center

Copyright Clearance Center's mission is to make it easy for people to get, use and share content worldwide, while protecting the interests of creators, publishers and other copyright holders.

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