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Today’s technology is transforming home health care 

Public health organizations are chartered with ensuring the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities. Their scope of responsibility is wide-ranging and varies from country to country, and they are required to provide direct healthcare services to their citizens, including epidemiology and disease prevention. In the area of providing care, public health organizations, along...Read more

Four elements of a successful digital transformation 

Eighty-five percent of business leaders feel they must offer digital services or become irrelevant.1 Ninety-one percent see digital transformation as a way of sparking innovation and finding efficiencies.2 While business leaders understand the need to develop a digital transformation strategy, many aren’t sure where to start. A playbook like this one can help. We’ve worked...Read more

Microsoft for Healthcare: Driving healthcare change by empowering tech intensity 

Our Microsoft for Healthcare team and partners are excited to join health organizations, leaders, and experts to build a brighter future for the global health ecosystem so that everyone, everywhere has access to care that works. The rate of disruption for health continues to accelerate. Healthcare organizations worldwide have implemented a breadth of technology solutions...Read more

Smart infrastructure: 6 keys to making your city smarter 

As we enter a new decade, cities at all levels understand that “digital transformation” is not about replacing legacy systems. Digital transformation is about leveraging technology to decrease the cost of operations, improve citizen services, and enable economic growth. Cities that fail to pursue digital transformation strategies may realize unforeseen negative outcomes to their communities...Read more

Getting ready for EuroShop 2020: European retailers embracing tech intensity 

With the excitement of NRF 2020 barely behind us, we are heading to Düsseldorf, the fashion capital of Germany, for the EuroShop Trade Fair, February 16-20. Being at the fair will give EMEA-based retailers a chance to follow-up on conversations started at NRF, and for those who didn’t attend, a chance to see and experience...Read more

4 ways we drive openness in industrial IoT 

    In a previous post, we introduced the four components of our approach to openness in industrial IoT (IIoT). Although openness has long been a central concept for us, inspiring hundreds of products and services that can connect platforms and the seamless transfer of data between them, the specific ways we execute on this...Read more

Making an impact on vehicle congestion with Road User Charging 

A session on Road User Charging (RUC) was held at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board and discussed a mix of learnings shared by those who’ve implemented RUC and those who’ve been planning for user charging. For those unfamiliar with RUC, also known as road pricing, it’s the practice of direct charges...Read more

Highlights and insights from CES 2020 

CES is most often thought of as a showcase for mind-blowing devices, vehicles, and products that in this age of ever-shortening innovation cycles were mere fantasy just a short time ago. And in that regard, CES 2020 did not disappoint. For the media & entertainment leader, this year’s CES was likewise a showcase of transformational...Read more

How our open IIoT approach makes manufacturers more agile 

Even before we introduced the Azure IoT Suite back in 2015, Microsoft was helping manufacturers realize the full business value of IoT. Backed by decades of experience in enterprise, we quickly became an innovator in industrial IoT (IIoT). Microsoft solutions have helped connect billions of different assets, process massive amounts of real-time data, and deploy...Read more

6 smart mobility solutions that are helping to reduce traffic congestion 

Traffic congestion is a problem in cities all over the world. The U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs states that 68 percent of the world’s population will live in cities over the coming decades up from 55 percent today.1 As cities grow, congestion will get worse. In Moscow, Russia, the average driver spends 210...Read more

Microsoft Health Innovation Awards 2020 are now open for submission 

Accelerating innovation for better experiences, better insights, and better care There’s never been a more demanding time in healthcare, with many factors driving the need for innovation to solve the industry’s most prevalent and persistent challenges. There has been considerable progress made in this space as we all strive to achieve healthier lives. With that,...Read more