Contact Azure Sales

We’re here to answer your questions and help you get started with Azure

9:00 AM–5:00 PM Pacific Time, Monday–Friday

Connect with a sales specialist

Get personalized guidance and answers to questions you might have whether you’re evaluating the cloud, starting your first project, or migrating to Azure.

Azure sales specialists provide:

  • Help with designing a solution to achieve your business goals.
  • Guidance on building a proof of concept.
  • One-on-one demos to help you get started in the Azure portal, create and deploy your first service, and set up billing alerts.
  • Assistance for migrating applications and infrastructure to the cloud and optimizing your environment.
  • Information on pricing and cost-optimization.

To request a conversation, fill out the form. A sales specialist will be in touch within two business days.

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For more help with Azure, try these resources:

Learn more about an Azure free account with these FAQs.

Find an Azure partner who can help you plan, design, implement, test, or manage a secure cloud solution.

Explore support plans or read support FAQs.

File a support ticket to get help with your Azure services.

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