Microsoft Global Data Privacy Notice for Employees, External Staff and Candidates

Last updated: February 2020


Personal Data that We Process (this may include data that you provide to us, that we collect about you, or that we assign to you.)Personal Data that We Processmainpersonaldatathatweprocess

Why We Process Personal DataWhy We Process Personal Datamainwhyweprocesspersonaldata

Change of purposeChange of purposemainchangeofpurpose

How and Why We Share Personal DataHow and Why We Share Personal Datamainhowandwhywesharepersonaldata

Your Rights to Your Personal InformationYour Rights to Your Personal Informationmainyourrightstoyourpersonalinformation

Use of Cookies and Web BeaconsUse of Cookies and Web Beaconsmainuseofcookiesandwebbeacons

Workplace Security and MonitoringWorkplace Security and Monitoringmainworkplacesecurityandmonitoring

Security of Your Personal DataSecurity of Your Personal Datamainsecurityofyourpersonaldata

Where We Store and Process Personal DataWhere We Store and Process Personal Datamainwherewestoreandprocesspersonaldata

Our Retention of Personal DataOur Retention of Personal Datamainourretentionofpersonaldata

Changes to this Privacy NoticeChanges to this Privacy Noticemainchangestothisprivacynotice

How to Contact UsHow to Contact Usmainhowtocontactus

European Union and United KingdomEuropean Union and United Kingdommainmicrosoftdataprogram


Learning and Skills Data Addendum to DPNLearning and Skills Data Addendum to DPNmainlearningandskillsdata

Microsoft Data Program (MDP) AddendumMicrosoft Data Program (MDP) AddendummainMDPaddendum