Learn, connect, and code with Azure at Microsoft Build. Invent with purpose.

Explore the latest Azure announcements from the premier Microsoft developer event

Introducing Azure Synapse Link

Get clarity in an instant on real-time operational data with no ETL—only on Azure.

Code from anywhere

Bring on-premises productivity and collaboration to your remote work with Visual Studio, GitHub, and Azure.

Build machine learning responsibly

Understand model behavior, help protect privacy, mitigate unfairness, and build securely with Azure Machine Learning.

Developer Velocity

Empower your developers—wherever they are—to drive business outcomes with best-in-class tools.

Explore the latest Azure announcements from the premier Microsoft developer event

Introducing Azure Synapse Link

Get clarity in an instant on real-time operational data with no ETL—only on Azure.

Code from anywhere

Bring on-premises productivity and collaboration to your remote work with Visual Studio, GitHub, and Azure.

Build machine learning responsibly

Understand model behavior, help protect privacy, mitigate unfairness, and build securely with Azure Machine Learning.

Developer Velocity

Empower your developers—wherever they are—to drive business outcomes with best-in-class tools.

Begynd at omsætte dine idéer til løsninger med Azure-produkter og -tjenester

Se, hvorfor Fortune 500-virksomheder, iværksættere og regeringer betror deres virksomheder til Azure

"We didn't have experience with mobile apps before—this was our step into Azure. We got to stay in a language base that we were familiar with to approach 'Caren' [the digital concierge] as a platform."

Ray Stone
Developer and Tech Lead | Cincinnati Children’s

"We are a beer science company. Cloud migration was a way to streamline. Within 6 months, we migrated all our infrastructure."

Mark Dajani
CIO – Global Business Services | Carlsberg Group

"We're configuring to move from IaaS to a PaaS model so that we can take advantage of cost-savings around infrastructure maintenance, upgrades, app installs—all those things that can be automated."

Kristina Wilson
IT Manager – Client Applications | H&R Block

"We have 4 million containers in our fleet. This is where digitalization comes into place, in terms of how do you manage the fleet effectively and efficiently with as limited cost as possible?"

Musaddique Iqbal Alatoor
Head of Equipment Innovation | A.P. Moller – Maersk

I hybridmiljøer, i flere cloudmiljøer, i det lokale miljø og på grænseenheder: Azure møder dig dér, hvor du er

Find ud af, hvad der sker på Azure

Sara Chipps, medstifter af Girl Develop It og Jewelbots og direktør for Public Q&A hos Stack Overflow, har hjulpet mere end 100.000 kvinder og piger med at lære at kode.

Sara Chipps, medstifter af Girl Develop It og Jewelbots og direktør for Public Q&A hos Stack Overflow, har hjulpet mere end 100.000 kvinder og piger med at lære at kode.

Begynd at udvikle med Azure med 12-måneders gratis tjenester

Få mere end 25 tjenester, der altid er gratis, samt $200 i kredit, så du kan udforske Azure i 30 dage.

Kontakt en Azure-salgsspecialist

Få de svar, du har brug for – lige fra hvordan du kommer i gang til spørgsmål om dit unikke scenarie – ved at tale med en Azure-salgsspecialist.

Er du ny bruger af Azure? Lær nye færdigheder i dit eget tempo

Lær hurtigt Azure-udvikling og administratorfærdigheder med praktiske kurser og rollebaserede læringsforløb på Microsoft Learn.