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Download resources and applications for Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012,Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, SharePoint, System Center, Office and other products. Find resources written in VB Script, PowerShell, SQL, JavaScript or other script languages. New resources are added frequently so check often and see what's new.,
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25995 results
Retrieve IIS properties for web sites on a server.
Ryan Nemeth
This script will completely reset the Windows Update client settings. It has been tested on Windows 7, 8, 10, and Server 2012 R2. It will configure the services and registry keys related to Windows Update for default settings. It will also clean up files
related to Windows Upda
4.6 Star
Updated 11/13/2017
Released 2/12/2017
Martin Bengtsson
RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) in Windows 10 v1809 and v1903 are no longer a downloadable add-on to Windows. Instead its included as a set of "Features on Demand" directly in Windows.
4.6 Star
Updated 3/10/2020
Released 10/6/2018
Manuel F. Gil
This Script allow reset the Windows Update Agent resolving issues with Windows Update.
4.6 Star
Updated 11/18/2019
Released 9/21/2015
Azure Automation Product Team - Microsoft
This Graphical PowerShell runbook connects to Azure using an Automation Run As account and starts all V2 VMs in an Azure subscription or in a resource group or a single named V2 VM. You can attach a recurring schedule to this runbook to run it at a specific time. The asso
4.5 Star
Updated 10/23/2016
Released 1/7/2016
Pradebban Raja
This PowerShell Workflow runbook connects to Azure using an Automation Credential and Starts/Stops a VM/a list of VMs/All VMs in a Subscription in-parallel.
5 Star
Updated 8/21/2018
Released 1/10/2018
Edward van Biljon
This script contains information from other scripts and combined to give you a working PS1 file that will go and remove all the log files generated by Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016 and now on Exchange Server 2019 which is not automatically truncated.You can schedule this using
4.3 Star
Updated 7/31/2018
Released 5/21/2015
Mark Simos
The Microsoft Cybersecurity Reference Architecture ( describes Microsoft’s cybersecurity capabilities and how they integrate with existing security architectures and capabilities.
5 Star
Updated 4/16/2019
Released 6/5/2018
When you don't want to put your computer to sleep, but just to turn off the monitor, use this
4.7 Star
Updated 5/4/2016
Released 1/23/2016
Sharath Aluri (MCP, MCSE, MCSA)
Script reads through .CSV and Create Multiple Document Libraries with Unique Permissions / Parent Permissions for SharePoint Online / Office 365.CSV Columns Should Be ListTitle, Description, TemplateType, UniquePermission. Eg: Verizon, Verizon Test, 101, Yes/No
5 Star
Updated 5/17/2019
Released 3/5/2019
This is a simple Powershell script to send a WOL packet to an IP address, which should be the broadcast address of the subnet where the device is connected to.
3.9 Star
Updated 12/20/2015
Released 8/1/2013
Azure Automation Product Team - Microsoft
This Graphical PowerShell runbook connects to Azure using an Automation Run As account and stops all V2 VMs in an Azure subscription or in a resource group or a single named V2 VM. You can attach a recurring schedule to this runbook to run it at a specific time.
4.3 Star
Updated 10/23/2016
Released 1/7/2016
Jaap Brasser
This script generates a list by querying the registry and returning the installed programs of a local or remote computer. It allows for retrieval of additional properties such as the uninstall string of an application as well.
4.4 Star
Updated 8/5/2019
Released 8/23/2013
This script will email a user in the event that their password is due to expire in X number of days.
4.6 Star
Updated 8/7/2018
Released 11/27/2012
Phyoe Wai Paing
This script will list the AD users logon information with their logged on computers by inspecting the Kerberos TGT Request
Events(EventID 4768) from domain controllers. Not Only User account Name is fetched, but also users OU path and Computer

Accounts are retrieved. You can
4.3 Star
Updated 5/10/2017
Released 5/10/2017
Using this PowerShell script you can export Office 365 users' MFA status along with many useful attributes like Display Name, User Principal Name, MFA Status, Activation Status, Default MFA Method, All MFA Methods, MFA Phone, MFA Email, License Status, Admin Roles, SignIn Status.
4.7 Star
Updated 12/4/2019
Released 5/9/2019
1 - 15 of 25995 Items