
Since opening the Country Office in Kyrgyzstan in 1994, WHO has focused on: improving the population’s health and addressing health inequalities; health sector reform; and enhancement of access to quality health-care services. The role of the WHO Country Office is also to respond to requests from the host country to support policy-making for sustainable health development, taking a holistic health-system approach.

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New data from Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan provides insights on health systems

WHO/Europe and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies have launched a new series of reports that provide key information and data on health systems in non-European Union (EU) countries of the WHO European Region.

WHO/Europe offices

WHO Country Office, Kyrgyzstan
52-54 Orozbekova Street
Bishkek 720040

Ministry of health

Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic
Moskovskaya 148
Bishkek 720040


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Promoting health through the life-course

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WHO delivers PPE to Kyrgyzstan to combat COVID-19

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Data and statistics


Estimated life expectancy at birth, in years (as of 2010)

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