
The WHO Country Office, Montenegro was established in April 2008 in Podgorica. The Office is the focal point for WHO activities and consists of two staff members. The role of the Office is to respond to requests to support policy-making for sustainable health development by providing guidance, building up local relationships to implement technical cooperation, making standards and agreements, and ensuring that public health measures are coordinated and in place during crises. In 2012, the United Nations Secretary-General paid his first official visit.

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Who cares about toilets?

Because 3.6 billion people don’t have one! Nearly half the world’s population lives without a “safely managed sanitation service”: a toilet, not shared with other households, that either treats or disposes of human waste on-site, stores it safely to be emptied and treated off-site, or connects to a functioning sewer.

WHO/Europe offices

WHO Country Office, Montenegro
Serdara Jola Piletica 8 (spr.II/st.10)
Podgorica 81000

Ministry of health

Ministry of Health
Rimski trg 46
PC Vektra
Podgorica 81000

Data and statistics


% of population aged 0-14 years

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Small countries initiative

The Small countries initiative is a network of 11 Member States in the WHO European Region with populations of 2 million or less. The Initiative has acted as a laboratory for innovation and a collaborative platform.

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