
All residents in Portugal have access to health care provided by the National Health Service, financed mainly through taxation. Many measures have been adopted to improve the performance of the health system, including public–private partnerships for new hospitals, a change in hospital management structures, pharmaceutical reforms, the reorganization of primary care and the creation of long-term care networks. At the 2013 World Health Assembly, health financing and the impact of the economic crisis on health was the focus of a bilateral meeting between WHO/Europe and the Ministry of Health of Portugal.

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Influencers navigate COVID-19 measures for communities in Portugal

Influencers are conventionally known for motivating followers to buy clothes, gadgets or to buy into a lifestyle. But during the COVID-19 pandemic, Portugal’s Directorate-General of Health has been using influencers for an entirely new kind of work: guiding people across the nation through pandemic public health measures.

Ministry of health

Ministry of Health
Av. João Crisóstomo, 9, 6º
Lisbon 1049-062

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Life expectancy at birth, in years (as of 2011)

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