
The WHO Country Office is the focal point for WHO activities in Romania. It was established in January 1991 in Bucharest in order to carry out a series of priority activities. The priorities for the Country Office are set out in the biennial collaborative agreement between WHO/Europe and the host country, and the Office implements the agreement in close collaboration with national institutions and international partner agencies.

More about the Biennial Collaborative Agreement (BCA) 2020-2021

Top story

Community nurses in rural Romania go the extra mile for COVID-19 vaccination

With almost half (46%) of Romania’s population living in rural areas, it has been challenging to provide equal access to vaccination for all communities. For Romanians, there have also been questions about whether and how to get vaccinated, and where to go for support and information.

WHO/Europe offices

WHO Country Office, Romania
United Nations House
Primaverii Street 48A
Bucharest RO-011975

Ministry of health

Ministry of Health
Intr. Cristian Popişteanu, Nr. 1-3, Sector 1
Bucharest RO-010024

Technical guidance

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Data and statistics


Life expectancy at birth, in years (as of 2010)

More data and statistics