
Spain is the third largest country in western Europe. The Spanish mainland is bordered by France on the north and Portugal on the west side. Global health indicators in Spain have been improving steadily since the 1970s. The average life expectancy is one of the highest in the world and mortality rates have been decreasing since the mid-1970s to reach a rate very similar to EU average levels. The top three causes of death in Spain since 1970 have been cardiovascular diseases, cancer and respiratory diseases.

Top story

World No Tobacco Day 2022: awards for tobacco control in the WHO European Region

On 31 May, World No Tobacco Day 2022 focuses on how tobacco throughout its lifecycle pollutes the environment we live in and damages the health of people.

WHO/Europe offices

WHO Barcelona Office for Health Systems Financing
Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site
Nostra Senyora de La Mercè pavilion
Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167
Barcelona 08025

Ministry of health

Ministry of Health
Paseo del Prado 18-20
Madrid 28014

Data and statistics


Life expectancy at birth, in years (as of 2011)

More data and statistics