Data and evidence

Timely, credible, reliable, and actionable data are key to ensure that political decisions are data driven and facilitate understanding, monitoring, and forecasting.

Read more about the Regional Office’s work on supporting Member States in strengthening their health information systems


Better data for better health webinar #5: Guidance for creating impactful health reports
8 December 2021, 10:00–11:00 Central European Time (CET), virtual

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WHO/Europe and IHME sign agreement cementing collaboration on forecasting of health data

WHO/Europe and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) have signed a memorandum of understanding cementing their ongoing collaboration in the areas of health estimates, projections and global health data forecasting.

European health information gateway

The Gateway provides curated, reliable health data and information in user-friendly formats for comparison and extraction. This film explains the background to the Gateway and why health information is important.

Visit the Gateway