Environment and health

The environment is a major determinant of health, estimated to account for almost 20% of all deaths in the WHO European Region. In 1989, concerned about the growing evidence of the impact of hazardous environments on human health, WHO/Europe initiated the first ever environment and health process, towards a broad primary prevention public health approach, and to facilitate intersectoral policy-making.

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Top story

Health on Earth: a healthy planet benefits us all – World Health Day 2022

On this World Health Day, WHO/Europe calls on everyone to come together and recognize the importance of our planet, for the sake of our health and that of the generations to come.

Bonn Dialogues on Environment and Health

A series of high-level Bonn Dialogues on Environment an Health

13–15 June 2017, Ostrava, Czech Republic

Environment and health tools

  • AirQ+

    Software tool for health risk assessment of air pollution

  • CaRBonH

    Carbon Reduction Benefits on Health calculation tool

  • GreenUr

    Green Urban spaces and health tool

  • iSThAT

    Integrated Sustainable Transport and Health Assessment Tool


European process on environment and health

In the late 1980s, European countries initiated the first ever process to eliminate the most significant environmental threats to human health. Progress towards this goal is driven by a series of ministerial conferences held every five years and coordinated by WHO/Europe.

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