PAHO Revolving Fund

Protecting the people of the Americas


For more than 40 years, PAHO’s Revolving Fund for Access to Vaccines, has provided access to safe and quality vaccines at affordable prices for Member States and Territories throughout the region. It is part of Immunization's larger technical cooperation package that supports countries' efforts to achieve sustainable and equitable reduction of morbidity and mortality of vaccine-preventable diseases through control and elimination strategies. By consolidating forecasted demand requirements and leveraging economies of scale, promoting transparent negotiations with suppliers, and implementing innovative acquisition strategies, the Revolving Fund, greatly improves its purchasing power; lowering vaccine prices and contributing to the sustainability of National Immunization Programs.


  • Quality
  • Transparency
  • Solidarity
  • Equity
  • Pan Americanism


  1. Helps countries to accurately estimate their requirements for vaccines and related supplies.
  2. Consolidates regional demand so that vaccines can be procured in bulk at lowest price.
  3. Prepares and conducts transparent tenders for qualified products and suppliers.
  4. Results of competitive tenders are processed into purchase orders for countries.
  5. Monitors international shipping to countries.