Thirteenth General Programme of Work 2019−2023

The Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW 13) defines WHO’s strategy for the five-year period, 2019-2023. It focuses on measurable impacts on people’s health at the country level. WHO’s mission to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable is linked to three bold targets: 

  • One billion more people to benefit from universal health coverage
  • One billion more people better protected from health emergencies
  • One billion more people enjoying better health and well-being

GPW 13, 2019-2023
English  Arabic  Chinese  French  Russian  Spanish


WHO results framework

The results framework tracks the joint efforts of the Secretariat, Member States and partners to measure progress towards GPW 13 targets and the Secretariat’s contribution. It consists of a system for impact measurement, a scorecard for output measurement, and country case studies. 

WHA 73/16 WHO results framework: an update 2020
English  Arabic  Chinese  French  Russian  Spanish

EB 146/28 WHO results framework: an update 2020
English  Arabic  Chinese  French  Russian  Spanish 

Global technical consultations

Second global technical consultation, April 16-17, 2020
Meeting report   Presentations   Pilot countries

First global technical consultation, October 17-18, 2019
Meeting summary


Technical documents

Methods report



Pilot summary

Background references

Regional Committees 2019
WHO Results Framework Draft 25 October 2019

WHA 72/5 WHO Impact Framework 2019
English  Arabic  Chinese  French  Russian  Spanish

EB 144/7 WHO Impact Framework 2019
English  Arabic  Chinese  French  Russian  Spanish

WHO Expert Reference Group on the Draft GPW13: Preliminary Report May 2018
Expert Reference Group on the Draft GPW13


Financial estimates for GPW13

16 May 2018


Financial Estimate for the 13th General Programme of Work (2019-2023)

Projet de treizième programme général de travail, 2019‐2023 : estimation financière

Estimación financiera para el 13.º Programa General de Trabajo (2019-2023)

Финансовая оценка затрат на выполнение Тринадцатой общей программы работы (2019-2023 гг.)

关于《2019-2023 年第十三个工作总规划》的 财务估算

تقدير مالي لبرنامج العمل العام الثالث عشر
